Senior Care News

Four Tips for Working through Mobility Issues

Home Health Care Shelby OH-Mobility concerns can become a much bigger challenge as your senior grows older. Finding solutions is important.

Mobility concerns can become a much bigger challenge as your senior grows older. Injuries she sustained in the past or new problems, like arthritis, can all contribute to her having trouble moving well now. Finding solutions is important.

Home Health Care Shelby OH – Four Tips for Working through Mobility Issues

Address the Biggest Concerns

Every situation is unique, even mobility issues. It’s important for you and your senior to talk about what you’re seeing as the biggest issues for her. That’s what you’re going to want to address first, so it helps to know what those are. Listen to what your senior is actually telling you. It’s no good for you to guess or to presume that the issue is one thing when it’s really another. She can help you to understand what she needs.

Step in Only When Necessary

As your senior’s caregiver, you want to help her. That’s admirable, but if you’re stepping in and helping too often, that can be detrimental for her. Step in only when it’s truly necessary or when she asks you to do so. Otherwise, let her do what she’s able to do. That is going to help her to remain able to perform those tasks, for starters, but it’s also going to help her to feel empowered.

Don’t Give in to Frustration

You and your senior are both going to experience frustration with her mobility. That’s a normal part of life and of dealing with these types of challenges. Your senior may feel some loss and experience a level of grief, too. She may need someone to listen when she’s feeling less capable than usual. You can be that sounding board for her, but she may want to try other options, too. Support groups can help, as can talk therapy if she’s open to that idea.

Make Sure She Has Experienced Help

Having the right help is going to make a huge difference for your senior in managing her mobility issues. Home health care providers are trained to assist in transfers, stabilization, and assisting while also preserving independence. All of this is crucial to keeping your senior happy and healthy. If she’s trying to age in place, assistance from home health care services could make all the difference in her doing so successfully.

Mobility issues can be a problem, but they don’t have to keep your senior down. There are ways around almost every mobility problem and your senior may have more solutions open to her than she realizes.

If you are considering Home Health Care Services in Shelby OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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