Things That Can Help Seniors Get Around The House Safely
Personal Care at Home Bellville OH-There are ways for seniors in all stages of health to stay at home safely and be able to get around their homes with just a bit of help. Some things that can make mobility easier for seniors are listed here.
Helping Your Parent Stroll Safely
Home Care Assistance Mansfield OH-As a caregiver of an elderly parent, you may be sometimes worried about his safety when he goes for his walks. Hiring home care assistance providers can help with this situation.
Enjoy the Fall Weather with Your Senior
Companion Care at Home Lexington OH-In those parts of the country where a harsh winter can follow fall, getting out and enjoying it while you can makes it all the more important. Here are some low-cost, great ways to enjoy all that fall has to offer.
Common Skin Issues the Elderly Face
Elder Care Willard OH-As you age, your collagen production declines and that can impact the health of your skin. Plus, aging skin is prone to certain skin issues. Here are some conditions.
Tips For Communicating With A Senior Who Has Alzheimer’s
24-Hour Home Care Marion OH-Trained 24-hour home care providers can also help you learn to communicate better with your senior parent who has Alzheimer’s using tips like these described here.
Make It Easier For Your Dad to Get Enough to Eat
In-Home Care Mt. Vernon OH-Is your dad getting enough to eat? How do you help him? Is it time to hire in-home care providers to monitor and adjust his eating habits?
Fun Ways to Stay Active as a Senior
Home Care Assistance Bucyrus OH-As you become older, being physically active is one of the finest things you can do for your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some activities a senior should try when they can rely on home care assistance for rides.
Art and Dementia
Senior Home Care Ontario OH-Did you realize that art may also be medicine? People with dementia benefit greatly from art therapy, which is an excellent means of expressing one’s thoughts and feelings.
What Are the Signs of Malnutrition?
Elder Care Ashland OH-It’s hard to imagine your dad experiencing malnutrition. Here are some of the things you and your parent’s elder care aides should keep in mind about malnutrition in the elderly.
In-Home Care For Seniors After A Fall
In-Home Care Shelby OH-Falling is the most common way that seniors are injured, and many of those falls happen at home. Very few seniors are completely healed and have no mobility issues when they are released from the hospital after a fall. In-home care providers can help your senior recover after a fall.