Senior Care News

What Can You Do if You Suspect Your Loved One’s Needs Are Changing?

Senior Care in Loudonville OH: What Can You Do if You Suspect Your Loved One’s Needs Are Changing?

One of the features of helping an elderly loved one as her caregiver is that her needs may change without you realizing it. if you’re suspecting that your loved one needs more from you and from other family members, try going through some of these ideas to assess what’s going on.

Talk to Your Loved One First

The first step is to talk to your loved one about your suspicions. In some cases, you might simply be feeling overprotective of your loved one. But you might also find that your loved one is in need of help and wasn’t sure how to ask. Addressing the situation openly and lovingly allows you both to be able to communicate without worrying that you’re overstepping.

See if a Doctor’s Appointment Is in Order

If you’re noticing signs that something is wrong but your loved one isn’t, it might be a good idea to get her doctor’s opinion. Your loved one might also be a little worried about seeing her doctor, particularly if she’s concerned that her health is worsening. If your loved one is reluctant to make an appointment, stress to her that it’s simply to help you to feel more secure about her health and safety.

Safety First, Especially at Home

Look around your loved one’s home and determine if there is anything that you can do for her that will keep her safer when she’s at home. This might involve removing clutter, installing hand rails, or even changing out light fixtures for some that are brighter and that give off more light. Even small adjustments can make a tremendous difference, especially in terms of keeping your loved one safer.

Try out Senior Care Providers

One option that can help your loved one in a variety of ways is to try out having senior care providers available. Some loved ones are nervous about this idea, but offering as a trial option is something that can help your loved one to feel more open-minded about the idea.

Even if your loved one only needs temporary extra help, addressing the situation as quickly as possible ensures that your loved one has the help she needs as soon as she needs it.

If you are considering hiring a senior care provider near Loudonville, OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Mt. Gilead, Loudonville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Wooster, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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