Senior Care News

Telemedicine Technology Improves In-Home Pediatric Care

Pediatric Home Health Care in Loudonville OH

According to mHealth Intelligence, children with special needs benefit from developments in telemedicine. Telemedicine enhances the support by professional in-home caregivers, who provide Pediatric Home Health-Care-Loudonville-OH pediatric care as home care.

Telemedicine allows physicians to check in with patients from remote locations. The doctors can see and speak with the patients as well as access vital signs, when the telemedicine systems are in place to transmit such information. For people in remote rural environments telemedicine allows a “live” doctor visit that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

One terrific use in pediatric care is the ability for specialists located in urban areas to monitor patient’s progress, even when the patient is located far away in a rural area. For children in a fragile condition, such as those who are on ventilators at home, the ability for a physician to check in on them is a huge advantage for the patient, the family, the professional caregivers, and the doctor. The health care provider is able, through a high-resolution, secure, electronically-mediated interface, to interact with the patient in a sophisticated way. The doctor comes to see them electronically, without the patient having to be transported over long distances to see the doctor.

The doctor is able to check in with the patient more easily and frequently, which results in the patient and the patient’s family having a greater degree of satisfaction with the level of care provided. Moreover, the physician can rapidly assess any situation, which may require emergency treatment. If necessary, when the patient’s condition is serious, the doctor tells them, to go to a hospital immediately.

Professional caregivers are able participate along with the families in the telemedicine interactions and can hear and see the doctor’s recommendations. The electronic connection with the doctor is useful for giving a steady flow of information such as blood sugar levels for children with diabetes, or blood pressure readings. Any medical assistance is carried out by certified and licenses nurses, who come to the home and collect the information to send to the doctor. Meanwhile, the professional in-home caregivers help the child with personal grooming needs, meals, and assist the parents with any other needs as required.

The combination of doctor visits via telemedicine for routine checkups and emergency consultation, with licensed nursing support services, and in-home professional caregivers, is a good way to give complete long-term pediatric care as home care.

Telemedicine Helps Alleviate Doctor Shortages and Creates High Patient Satisfaction
mHealth Intelligence reports that shortages of doctors, especially specialists, in rural areas are alleviated with telemedicine capabilities. The expectation is that in the next five years, by 2020, telemedicine efforts in the United States will grow to be over US$34 billion in services per year. mHealth Intelligence also says that 96% of consumers say that telemedicine improves life.

If you are considering hiring pediatric home health care services in Loudonville, OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.



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