Senior Care News

Take Charge of Your Time Management as a Family Caregiver

Caregivers in Mansfield OH: Take Charge of Your Time Management as a Family Caregiver

Finding the time to do everything that you want and need to do as a family caregiver might feel to you a bit like fitting puzzle pieces into place. Using the right tools and techniques for you can help you to get the most out of every minute of every day.

Start Using a Planner or a Calendar

Many people who have a difficult time managing their time effectively aren’t using a calendar or planner of any sort. This means that you’re relying on your memory to keep track of everything, which isn’t the best way to go about this sort of thing. Even if you’re using a calendar app on your smartphone, that’s something.

Batch Like Tasks as Much as Possible

Multi-tasking is definitely not as productive as it could or should be, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t group like tasks together. You’re already in a frame of mind to deal with tasks like the one you’ve just finished, so why not tackle more of the same? This can mean that you do all of your paperwork together or that you batch errand time to get everything handled.

Break up Larger Tasks to Make Them More Manageable

While you’re looking at how you manage your tasks, start breaking up the bigger ones. This allows you to batch the different parts of the tasks, but it can go one step further, too. It’s much easier to delegate pieces of a large task than it is to delegate the entire task.

Learn to Apply Mindfulness to Your Day

If you’re going through the majority of your day on autopilot, it’s possible that you don’t realize how much time certain tasks take. Start applying mindfulness techniques to your daily tasks. Really pay attention to what you’re doing and how you’re feeling while you’re doing that task. This allows you to really notice everything about what you’re doing for your loved one and for you.

Continue to tweak your time management plan until you find the right combination for you. Like most things in life, time management isn’t one size fits all.

If you are considering hiring a professional caregiver in Mansfield, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Mt. Gilead, Loudonville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Wooster, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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