Senior Care News

Speech Therapy at Home and Alzheimer’s: Is It Worthwhile?

Your mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and her memory care team wants her to work with a speech therapist. Here are some things they can offer her.

Approximately 6.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. Your mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and her memory care team wants her to work with a speech therapist. Is this worth the time to hire speech therapy at home providers when you know her brain deterioration cannot be stopped?

The effects of Alzheimer’s delve into more than loss of memory or forgetting who someone is. It will eventually rob your mom of her speech and ability to swallow. Speech therapists help with all of this. These therapists specialize in helping with communication and swallowing skills.

Communication Techniques Developed by Speech Therapy at Home Aides

Speech Therapy at Home Lexington OH – Speech Therapy at Home and Alzheimer’s: Is It Worthwhile?

Communication is more than being able to talk. It includes gestures, cognitive skills, and finding the right words. Your mom may not be able to communicate in the traditional manner, but she can still gesture and communicate what she needs to tell you.

A speech therapist will show your mom other options. If she needs to tell you she’s hungry, she could gesture a hand to her mouth. She could draw a picture of a tree and sun to tell you she wants to go outside.

Your mom’s speech therapist might suggest that she engages in problem-solving games to help exercise her memory and focus. You might be told to establish a memory book together to refer to regularly and help her hold onto more recent memories.

While she’s still able to speak, her therapist works on articulation, volume, and fluidness. As her speech skills diminish, she’ll learn other techniques like sign language, typing on computers, and messaging on a phone or tablet.

Don’t stress that you’ll be unable to communicate with your mom. It’s often easier than you would expect. Your mom’s speech therapy at home aide is there to help you find the best ways to keep the line of communication open.

Swallowing Skills

A lesser-known aspect of speech therapy is the exercise that goes into maintaining the ability to swallow. As the throat muscles weaken, the risk of aspiration pneumonia increases. If your mom tries to swallow food and it ends up in the lungs instead, it can be dangerous.

Aspiration pneumonia is a condition where a piece of food enters the airway and gets into the lungs. Once there, an infection sets in. Her speech therapist will help her exercise her throat muscles. The longer she can swallow safely, the better it is for her.

Don’t Delay

Every extra day of communication you get with your mom is important. Talk to her medical team about where she’s at and how fast the progression is. Using this information, you can talk to a speech therapy at home specialist and get started.

The longer your mom attends her speech therapy sessions, the easier it is for your family to keep communicating with her, even if her speech deteriorates. Make the arrangements sooner rather than later.


If you are considering hiring Speech Therapy at Home Services in Lexington OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario, Bucyrus, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Willard, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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