Senior Care in Mansfield OH
As your parent ages, they may fear what lies ahead. They see friends or relatives that have not fared well through the aging process lose either their mobility or incure a chronic disease that has left them in a state of decline. It’s important for them to realize that age does not necessarily bring on these types of changes. Helping them to be aware of what age does change and what they can control will help ensure a sense of peace instead of dread as the years progress. Knowing what to expect will help keep them from jumping to conclusions and face age with a strong sense of what lies ahead.
Natural Aging Processes
- Dry skin is a normal process of aging. It becomes thinner and less elastic due to a decrease in collagen production. It also produces less oil, causing an increased need in moisture. Direct application is important as well as drinking a sufficient amount of water. Moisturizers to consider are ones rich in jojoba oil or coconut oil. Some diseases such as diabetes can cause skin issues. Be sure to set up an appointment with your parent’s doctor should signs of dry skin such as itchy and cracked skin show no improvement with moisture applications.
- A change in senses involves both their taste and smell. Both taste buds and smell sensors diminish in number with age. Generally speaking, it is usually the sense of smell that is affected the greatest. This can lead to a decrease in appetite due to aroma playing such a large part in taste profile. Choose foods that have a strong flavor and aroma such as those containing garlic or strong spices such as found in Mexican and Indian cuisine. You will want to ensure that their digestion and the type of food is compatible.
- The lens of the eye gradually thickens and the pupils become less responsive to light making it difficult to see in the dark. Keeping eye-healthy foods in their diet is important in maintaining eye health and includes foods rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, carotenoids that are found in dark leafy greens, asparagus, carrots, blueberries and raspberries, to name a few.
- Loss of some memory speed and slower reaction times are normal processes of again and, in most cases, not a sign of serious cognitive decline. If these changes start interfering with your parent’s ability to perform the daily tasks of living, it’s important to make an appointment with their primary health care provider.
Senior Care Provider
Knowing the normal changes in aging the human body undergoes can help ease any angst that accompanies these changes. If you find your parent needing help with the daily activities of living, consider the services of a senior care provider. These professionals can help with the everyday tasks such as bathing and dressing as well as preparing healthy meals, providing transportation to errands, exercise classes and other appointments, and providing that all-important companionship so important to you parent as they age.
If you are considering hiring senior care in Mansfield, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161. Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Mt. Gilead, Loudonville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Wooster, and the surrounding areas.
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