Senior Care News

Protecting Your Back when You’re a Caregiver for Dad

Caregiver in Crestline OH

You’ve been taking care of your aging father for a while, yet now he seems to require more and more assistance getting out of bed, getting into the tub, or getting around. As a caregiver, you’ve taken on an incredible responsibility and it’s important to not only protect him, but yourself.

One of the biggest issues family caregivers have when taking care of aging loved ones is getting worn out and actually hurting their back in the process. Just helping somebody get up out of a chair when you lift them improperly can put your lower back at risk of being injured. A strain in between the vertebrae can lead to slipped discs, extreme back pain, tightened muscles, and even immobility due to your back ‘going out.’  There are number things you can do to protect your back when you are a caregiver for an aging loved one or anyone else.

Always lift with your legs. It’s an old adage, but it’s extremely important. If you bend over at the hips to try to help somebody get up, you’re placing increased pressure on your lower back. If you bend at a 90 degree angle at your hips and lift a 10 pound object, you are actually placing 100 pounds of pressure on your lower back as you straighten up. Now imagine helping a 150 pound person up out of the chair, off the toilet, or out of bed. While the angle won’t be likely to be 90 degrees, it is still an exponential increase in pressure on your lower back, so always bend at the knees and lift with your back as straight as possible.

Use a back support. There are devices that are highly effective at providing extra support for your lower back when lifting. Pick yourself up one of these and that will help to protect your back when assisting somebody getting up and down from a seated or prone position.

Rely on assistance. If you call on the assistance of a professional home care aide when your father has to get up in the morning, take a bath, or do other things, it can be tremendously beneficial at protecting your back.

If you don’t think it’s important to protect your back, just imagine what’s going to happen to your father if you actually hurt your back to the point where you can’t even get over there to help him out anymore. Hiring an experienced caregiver can be a great way to provide him an exceptional level support while also reducing the pressure you’re placing on your own body.

If you are considering hiring caregiver services near Crestline, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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