Senior Care News

Protect Aging Adults: Flu Prevention 101

Elderly Care in Wooster OH

The flu can be an inconvenience for a healthy adult, but for the elderly and particularly those in home care who frequently have compromised immune systems, it can be a deadly virus. The flu comes in as the fourth most common cause of death in older populations, and estimates put deaths of the elderly caused by the flu each season between 80-90% of total deaths. 50-70% of hospitalizations related to the flu each season are for those 65 and older. So how can you help protect your aging loved one in home-based senior care from the flu this season?

Herd Immunity: One of the best ways you can care for your elderly loved ones and other immune-compromised people in your family and community is to receive an annual flu shot. The flu shot provides protection against the strains of influenza predicted to be the most prevalent each upcoming flu season. Those over 65 can choose between the standard shot and a new vaccine crafted specifically for older adults that also increases the dosage of antigens and provides stronger protection. Receiving the flu vaccine protects not only the person receiving it but those around them who are at greater health risks should they contract the virus.

Always Wash, and Wash Properly: Good health habits can help prevent the spread of infection, whether you are vaccinated or not. Wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day, particularly if you are coughing, around sick people, or preparing food. Wash your hands in lukewarm or cold water, scrub vigorously for 20 seconds from the wrists down with a gentle soap, pay particular attention to the nail beds and beneath the fingernails, and rinse with your fingers pointing down, so dirty water falls into the sink and not up your arm. It’s a good idea to keep a hand moisturizer near your sinks to keep hands from drying out from frequent washing, particularly in the winter.

The Elbow Cough: If you need to cough, don’t cough into your hands. Cough instead into the crook of your elbow, since that area is less likely to come into contact with surfaces and other people, thus is less likely to spread whatever bug or virus you may be carrying.

Quarantine: If you are sick, do your best to avoid being around other people, particularly older adults, young babies, or the immune-compromised. Likewise, avoid going near those you know to be sick, and wash your hands immediately after leaving anyone you know is sick if it can’t be avoided.

See Your Doctor Promptly: If you develop symptoms of the flu, don’t waste time in seeing your doctor. They can help you fight the virus more swiftly and keep the symptoms down.

If you are considering hiring elderly care services near Wooster, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.


Source (Stat #2: Percentage of deaths and hospitalizations related to flu season in older populations) (Stat #1: Ranking of death cause)

Stephen Sternbach
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