Senior Care News

Convincing Your Senior to Bathe Regularly

Personal Care at Home Lexington OH-Whether or not your senior wants to, bathing is essential to a healthy routine and lifestyle. Personal care at home providers can help your senior create a routine, but they may have difficulty convincing them to bathe.

Whether or not your senior wants to, bathing is essential to a healthy routine and lifestyle. Personal care at home providers can help your senior create a routine, but they may have difficulty convincing them to bathe. Regular showers can help prevent UTIs, skin irritation, and other infections. Your senior may have less energy and not think it’s necessary to bathe regularly. However, they should aim to take a bath at least twice a week to keep the infection down.

Here are a few tips you can use to try to get your senior to bathe regularly.

Communicate the Importance

Personal Care at Home Lexington OH – Convincing Your Senior to Bathe Regularly

Speak with them about the issue. This gives you insight into the reasoning for avoiding bathing. You may persuade them to take a bath by emphasizing the significance of doing it for their emotional well-being. They are more likely to go in the shower after receiving kind, encouraging reassurance. Talk to them about the importance of bathing and avoid nagging them about it. Nagging and being unkind will not encourage them to get in the bath.

Have Their Doctor Back You Up and Ask Your Family or Friend to Encourage Them

A senior’s doctor may be a great resource in helping you persuade your loved one to take a shower. The doctor has some insight into the senior’s character and medical history, which might be useful when encouraging them to take a bath. Your elderly loved one is more likely to follow the doctor’s orders than you or anybody else. Personal care at home can also remind them what the doctor has said, and even this small act can help convince your parent to shower more.

When seniors anticipate meeting family or friends, they may bathe without your encouragement. If they have a close friend or someone else in the family they talk to, it may be a good idea for those close to the senior to encourage bathing. They can talk about all of the health benefits of bathing.

Make It More Comfortable and Respect a Senior’s Privacy

Personal care at home should try to make this experience as comfortable as possible for a senior. Ensure that you get the appropriate equipment, such as a bath lift chair, handheld showerheads, and shower seats. Bathing is tiring for seniors, particularly if they have back or knee problems. Even bending may be problematic for the senior.

Even personal care at home has to respect a senior’s privacy, and that’s true even if they’re helping them bathe. If you want to be a good caretaker, you need to practice patience. When it comes to activities, many seniors like to take their time and do things whenever they feel like it. For the most part, that should be honored. It’s important to respect the senior’s schedule while trying to persuade them to take a shower.

Personal Care at Home Aides can Encourage Keeping to a Routine

You should establish regular habits with the elderly person in your care. A plan that won’t break down midway through. Hopefully, this will put an end to the bathtime struggle. Personal care at home can help a senior stick to a routine, but they need to ask a senior whether or not they want to shower in the morning or evening.

If you are considering hiring Personal Care at Home Services in Lexington OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario, Bucyrus, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Willard, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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