Pediatric Home Health Care in Bellville OH
In-home professional caregivers who work to provide pediatric care for children in their own homes remind us that June is Child Vision Awareness Month. The goal for June is to increase education and spread accurate information about the vision problems experienced by children. Early detection of vision problems in children and diagnosis of diseases of the eyes help children see better and learn more easily.
Children with developmental problems need to have an eye exam performed by a qualified professional to determine if difficulty with vision is part of the problem. Quality vision care starts just after babies are born in the hospital, with an eye exam, and continues with regular eye checkups, as the child gets older. WebMd recommends a full eye exam when a child is three-years old, or sooner if the child experiences any of these problems:
- Constantly rubbing the eyes
- Swelling
- Excessive tears
- Redness
- Light sensitivity
- Eye that bulge
- Inability to focus both eyes on the same object
- Eyelids that droop
- Pus, crust, or other discharge
- Visible foreign material of a different color in the pupil area
Children who have vision problems have trouble learning. Corrective lenses help children who need them. Many benefit from wearing eyeglasses.
Healthline notes that there are many common eye problems. Some problems that are found in children are correctable with proper treatment. During a full eye exam, the eye doctor will check for any eye diseases and determine if any problems exist. Here are some examples that affect children:
- Myopia – Another name for this is nearsightedness. This condition means a child can see things close up, but has trouble seeing things that are far away.
- Hyperopia – The opposite of myopia is farsightedness. This condition means that a child can see things at a long distance, but has trouble seeing something clearly that is closer (like reading a book).
- Amblyopia – This is also called “lazy eye.” This problem comes from when the brain does not interpret information coming from one eye and then that eye wanders without properly tracking where the other eye is focused.
- Astigmatism – This is a genetic disorder caused by distortion in the shape of the cornea of the eye, which results in blurry or fuzzy vision.
- Strabimus – This condition results in the eyes being crossed and shows up in young children. It responds to treatment to correct the problem.
- Color Blindness – This hereditary condition is easy to test for during an eye exam. There is no treatment, but it is good to know if the condition exists.
- Glaucoma – This disease comes from having too much pressure within the eye. It helps to prevent vision loss when it is diagnosed early.
June is a good time to take children in for a full eye exam, to check for any eye problems, and to make sure any corrective lenses are up-to-date with the prescription strength needed for good vision.
If you are considering hiring Pediatric Home Health Care in Bellville, OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161. Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.
Signs of Vision Problems in Young Kids
56 Common Eye Problems
Color Blindness
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