Senior Care News

Why Is High Blood Pressure So Concerning?

Home Health Care Marion OH-About half of the adult population in the U.S. have high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure increases the risk of many chronic health conditions. Here are some things to know.

About half of the adult population in the U.S. have high blood pressure (hypertension). Only 25% have it controlled. It’s a common and concerning problem. Your mom’s doctor tells her she has high blood pressure. Why should you be concerned? High blood pressure increases the risk of many chronic health conditions. People with high blood pressure have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Hire home health care providers to monitor your mom’s health and treatment.

Here’s what you need to know about high blood pressure.

What Does the Blood Pressure Measure?

Home Health Care Marion OH – Why Is High Blood Pressure So Concerning?

What does blood pressure measure? Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of the blood as it moves through the blood vessels. The pressure is measured using millimeters of mercury (mmHg) in both systolic (pressure during a heartbeat) and diastolic (pressure between heartbeats).

Blood pressure is measured using a blood pressure cuff, a sphygmomanometer, and a stethoscope. The cuff forms tight pressure and then the nurse slowly releases the pressure on the cuff while listening through the telescope. The nurse notes what number is on the sphygmomanometer when the pulse becomes audible again (systolic reading) and then it’s no longer heard (diastolic reading). Blood pressure is recorded as X over X, systolic over diastolic.

What Is a Healthy Blood Pressure?

What is healthy blood pressure? Ideally, a person wants it to be less than 120 over less than 80. If it’s 120 to 129 over less than 80, that’s okay, but it’s elevated. When it’s 130 to 139 over 80 to 89, the blood pressure is in stage 1 hypertension. 140 or higher over 90 or higher is stage 2 hypertension.

When blood pressure is elevated, it’s not always concerning. Many people experience stress at the doctor’s office. That will elevate a blood pressure reading. The doctor may recommend checking blood pressure at home where a person is relaxed.

Stage 1 hypertension often requires some change to diet, such as a low sodium diet, more exercise, and losing weight, if necessary. Stage 2 hypertension may require prescription medications to help lower the pressure on the blood vessels, as well as the dietary and exercise measures.

Hire Skilled Nurses from a Home Health Care Agency for Vital Sign Readings

Your mom needs to check her blood pressure regularly and do everything her doctor recommends. One of those steps is regular checks of her blood pressure and pulse.

Hire home health care nurses to stop by each week and check your mom’s blood pressure. The nurse can relay the information to your mom’s doctor for accurate recording.

If changes need to be made to her medications, her doctor and nurse will work together to implement those changes without your mom needing to go back to the hospital. Call our home health care agency to get started.


If you are considering hiring Home Health Care Services in Marion OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario, Bucyrus, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Willard, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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