Senior Care News

Signs Your Senior Loved One Needs Home Health Care

Home Health Care Mansfield OH-If you’re worried about your senior loved one aging in place because they have chronic medical conditions that require routine medical care you should know that home health care services are a great option.

If your senior parent wants to stay in their own home as they get older that’s very common. Most seniors these days would prefer to stay at home. But if you’re worried about your senior loved one aging in place because they have chronic medical conditions that require routine medical care you should know that home health care services are a great option that allows seniors to age in place safely and comfortably.

Home health care is similar to home care, but it’s done by a trained medical professional who can perform some medical care right in the comfort and privacy of your senior parent’s home.

Home health care for seniors might be a good fit for your senior parent if they have:


Home Health Care Mansfield OH – Signs Your Senior Loved One Needs Home Health Care

Seniors who have diabetes can benefit from getting home health care because a home health care provider can help your senior loved one manage their diabetes at home. From advice on diet and exercise to checking their blood sugar an experienced care provider can be a great help to your senior parent with diabetes. And if your senior loved one has wounds or ulcers from diabetes that need to be dressed and cared for a care provider can also take care of wound care. That means that your senior loved one won’t have to go to medical appointments for simple wound care.

Heart Disease

If your senior loved one has heart disease that requires monitoring or if they have recently had a heart attack having care at home from a trained health care worker can reduce the stress that your senior loved one is dealing with and lower the risk that they will have another heart attack. And if your senior loved one does have an irregular heartbeat or shows signs of having another heart attack a medically trained caregiver can take appropriate action swiftly to give your senior parent the best chance of survival.

Are Recovering From A Fall Or a Hospital Stay

There are lots of reasons why having home health care is ideal for seniors who are just home from a hospital stay or rehab. A care provider can make sure that your senior loved one is doing their rehabilitation exercises and taking the medicines they need to take. They can also help your senior loved one avoid falls and injuries at home while they are recovering.

COPD or Lung Disease

Seniors who have COPD or lung disease may use supplemental oxygen tanks, which can make getting out to the doctor’s office cumbersome and difficult. With a home health caregiver your senior loved one can have their oxygen levels checked and have a professional check to be sure that their supplemental oxygen is functioning the way it should at home. It will spare your senior parent a lot of stress and discomfort, especially if they have trouble walking. They won’t need to make the long walk from the parking lot to the doctor’s office with an oxygen tank. Instead, your senior loved one can get the care they need right at home.

If you are considering hiring Home Health Care Services in Mansfield OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario, Bucyrus, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Willard, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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