Senior Care News

Home Health Care: Important Aspects of Diabetes Care for Seniors

Home Health Care Bellville OH-It’s really tough to manage diabetes, especially for aging adults. One solution that can make a huge difference is for your elderly family member to have access to home health care.

It’s really tough to manage diabetes, especially for aging adults. One solution that can make a huge difference is for your elderly family member to have access to home health care so that she can keep tabs on things like testing, complications, and other issues that affect blood sugar management.

Avoid Low Blood Sugar

Home Health Care Bellville OH – Home Health Care: Important Aspects of Diabetes Care for Seniors

High blood sugar is a big problem for seniors with diabetes, but low blood sugar levels are just as dangerous. If your elderly family member takes insulin or other medications, consistently experiencing blood sugar levels that are too low without adjusting those medications can be dangerous. Low blood sugar symptoms might include anxiety, shaking, fatigue, and irritability, among other symptoms. Monitoring blood sugar levels as often as her doctor recommends is important.

Watch for Complications

There are a lot of possible complications and comorbidities your senior could experience with diabetes, including cardiovascular illnesses, cholesterol problems, and difficulty with wounds healing properly. If your elderly family member experiences frequent lows, she may be more likely to fall and that’s another situation you don’t want her to experience.

Address Dietary Changes

What your senior eats matters if she has trouble managing her blood sugar levels. Food alone can’t cure diabetes and it didn’t cause diabetes but eating healthy meals as often as possible now can help your senior to manage her diabetes. Lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables on the lower end of the glycemic index can help. Having home health care services can help your elderly family member to have the assistance she needs in modifying her diet.

Screen for Depression

It’s really common for anyone who has a chronic health issue, whether that’s diabetes or something else, to experience emotional impacts from that illness. Depression brings its own complications and health problems, as well. Feeling depressed about her health challenges can cause your elderly family member to isolate herself, which can cause other mental and physical health issues for her. Treating the depression, if your senior is experiencing any, can help her to better manage the rest of her health, including her diabetes.

Home Health Care Providers can Offer Assistance

Your senior’s health issues, including diabetes and its complications, may make it difficult for your senior to handle tasks that may have been easier before, like testing her blood sugar levels. Home health care providers can handle those concerns for your senior and also watch for other signs that she might need additional care.

If you are considering Home Health Care Services in Bellville OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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