Senior Care News

Things Seniors Should Do To Keep Their Pets Safe

Home Care Bucyrus OH-February is Responsible Pet Owners month and part of being a responsible pet owner is keeping pets safe. Seniors and their home care providers need to take precautions shown here to make sure their pets are safe.

February is Responsible Pet Owners month and part of being a responsible pet owner is keeping pets safe. Seniors have some unique challenges when it comes to keeping their pets safe because often seniors may not be able to run after a pet, or react swiftly enough to grab them out of harm’s way if something happens. That’s why seniors and their home care providers need to take precautions shown here to make sure their pets are safe.

Create Fenced Enclosures For Pets

Home Care Bucyrus OH – Things Seniors Should Do To Keep Their Pets Safe

Seniors who are aging in place with pets should have a fenced-in yard or at least a fenced-in enclosure for their pets that go outside. A tall fence with a strong gate will ensure that pets can’t run loose and get into the street or run off. Fences should be checked every year to make sure they are in good condition. Seniors that have cats may want to have a catio or an outdoor enclosure specifically designed to keep cats safe outside installed in their yards. Catios give cats the chance to enjoy some outdoor time and sunlight in a safe way.

Get Pets Microchipped

Seniors and everyone else should get their pets microchipped if they’re not already chipped. Getting a chip put in is a very simple procedure that the vet can do in minutes. Mobile vets who come to the house can also put in microchips. If the pet is ever lost or stolen a chip reader can be used at any vet’s office to find out the pet’s name, the owner’s name, and how to contact the owner to come and get the pet. Since February is Responsible Pet Owner’s Month now is a fantastic time to check with the chip company and make sure the pet’s chip has the correct information on it if the pet already has a chip.

Get Professional Training

Dogs are wonderful companions for seniors but sometimes they can be a little rough on seniors, especially seniors who have poor balance and get knocked over easily. Or seniors who have mobility challenges that make them prone to falling. Professional training is the best way to make sure that seniors and their dogs are safe at all times. Well-trained dogs are confident dogs who are less likely to act up or act out. And seniors will be more confident knowing the dog has professional behavioral training.

Get Home Care

Home care is a great way for seniors to help keep their pets safe. When seniors have home care someone will be in the house to make sure the pets don’t get out or to make sure they are recovered safely if they do. And in the event of a fire, a flood, or some other disaster a home care provider will be able to help get seniors and their pets out of the house safely in a timely way. Home care providers can do the heavy lifting when it comes to pet care so that seniors can just enjoy being with their beloved pets.

If you are considering hiring Home Care Services in Bucyrus OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario, Bucyrus, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Willard, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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