Senior Care News

Home Care Issues: Are Your Parents Really at a Disadvantage Because They Are “Old”?

Home Care in Wooster OH

Adult children start home care arrangements with their loved ones for a wide variety of reasons, from a diagnosis with a serious medical condition such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease, to simply noticing that their parents are having a bit more trouble around the house or handling their daily tasks. No matter what the reason that you started this care arrangement with them, however, stepping into the role of being a family caregiver for your parents or hiring an in home health care services provider to offer support, care, and assistance can come with difficult emotional reactions from your seniors.

The start of a home care arrangement can immediately make people feel like they have gone from an “older adult” to just “old.” This can be a very difficult and stressful situation for seniors who were used to living active, independent lives and are trying to come to terms with the reality that they are not as young as they used to be, and that they need help ensuring that they stay safe, healthy, and comfortable throughout the rest of their lives. If you notice that your parents are starting to experience negative emotional reactions to the thought that they are getting older, it is important to step in and help them to get though these feelings and face the new chapter in their lives with excitement, enthusiasm, and willingness to make the very most out of it.

One important conversation that you should have with your parents is why the thought of growing older is so unpleasant for them. Many seniors feel that they are at a disadvantage in life and in society because of their age, and that they can no longer enjoy the quality of life that they did now that they have a few more years on them. Confronting these issues and offering solutions can help your parents feel better about their age and see just how fantastic their lives can be with your support and the support of their home care provider.


Some ways that seniors often think that they are at a disadvantage and ways that you can help them to overcome this include:

• Not as much social opportunity. Your aging parents may have had a large circle of friends when they were younger and were always on the go. Now that they are older they may not have as many friends or go out as much. Encourage them to join a club or organization, attend activities at their house of worship, or attend lectures and other educational opportunities where they can learn, experience new things, and meet new people.

• Different culture. The concept that your parents come from “another time” is absolutely true. The world today is virtually unrecognizable from the one that they knew when they were younger. They may dislike the clothing, the music, and the TV shows and movies of today, and feel like they do not fit in. Reassure them that they do not have to try to assimilate to everything around them. They live in a time now where if they want to watch their favorite old TV shows and movies, listen to the music that was popular when they were younger, or even decorate their home just as they did when they were young adults, they absolutely can. Encourage them to express themselves and enjoy their individuality.

• Time goes by too quickly. There often comes a moment when seniors realize that decades have passed and it seems like only days. This can be a difficult realization for them and lead to a sense of hopelessness and depression. Make it a point to show them that the time they have now is rich with opportunity. They do not have to work or raise children, so they have their days ahead of them to enjoy, experience, and celebrate. Be sure that you spend quality time with them regularly so that they feel like they are making the very most of every one of their moments.


If you are considering hiring home care services near Wooster, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Mt. Gilead, Loudonville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Wooster, and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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