Senior Care News


Home Care in Mansfield OH

In February, 2016 Logan Garber celebrated his 21st birthday while his family continues to celebrate the support he receives from the nurses at Central Star Home Health Care.   Logan has been

Logan with his nurses

confined to a wheelchair for most of his life and receives feedings through a tube in order to receive the nutrition necessary to sustain his life.  Many people thought he would not make it to see his 21st birthday, yet due to the dedication of his parents, he has reached a milestone.

His parents, Max and Brooke are Logan’s primary caregivers. Up until almost three years ago they were his only care givers.  He currently is receiving home health care services to supplement the care his parents provide which is necessary for him to remain at home with his family.

“Prior to Central Star sending Lindsay, Dan and Becky to provide some of Logan’s care we did everything ourselves”, stated Logan’s father, Max.  Life was very stressful and they found it difficult to devote time to their other children.  In addition, they found themselves facing a potential life-changing decision that they had not anticipated.  “We thought one of us was going to have to quit our job in order to manage his care”, Max continued.  “Now that Logan’s nurses are here to assist us, we have the freedom to leave the house and participate in the activities of our two daughters.”  “We also appreciate the fact that Logan is comfortable and loves his nurses”, he concluded.  The stress has been greatly reduced thanks to the Home Health Care staff at Central Star.

Today, there are increasing numbers of families facing similar situations.  As the health care industry changes from institutionalized care for young individuals toward in-home services, the need for quality care at home will continue to rise.  “We see increasing numbers of referrals each year within the younger population because home care has become the desired way of life”, said Tracy Clark, Administrator of Central Star Home Health Care.  Most people would rather receive their healthcare services within the comforts of their own home than the alternative of facility-based care.  In addition, in-home support services tend to be less costly than facility-based care.

Unfortunately, there is also an unforeseen cost of caring for a loved one at home.  Often times the joy of providing the care can sometimes place some undesirable stress on a family.  Not only does caregiving take a physical and psychological toll on the primary caregiver but also on those around them.  “It is great to know we can reduce some of the burden and stress that some of our families are feeling”, said Tracy.  “Somebody has to take care of the caregivers and we feel blessed that we can relieve some of the weight they carry on a daily basis”, she concluded.

For more information on caregiver support or to inquire about in-home services, please call Central Star Home Health Care at 419-756-9449 or visit us at

Stephen Sternbach
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