Senior Care News

Risk Factors for Mental Health Illness in the Elderly

Elderly Care Ontario OH-If you find the elderly citizen you are taking care of needs extra help because of mental health illness, you can hire an elderly care provider to be of assistance to them.

Unfortunately, there are many mental health illnesses present in the elderly. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD are just a few of them. If you are taking care of an elderly citizen, maybe even a loved one, there are some risk factors you should know about that may cause them to have a mental health illness. If you find the elderly citizen you are taking care of needs extra help because of mental health illness, you can hire an elderly care provider to be of assistance to them.

Elderly Care Ontario OH – Risk Factors for Mental Health Illness in the Elderly

Social Isolation

How much is the elderly citizen you are caring for getting out and about? How often do they visit their friends or family member? Are they socially isolated? If they don’t get out much or have visitors very much, they may be socially isolated. This can lead to depression, overwhelming sensations, and even feeling physically unwell. If you need someone for them to spend time with, an elderly care provider may be just the person they need in their life.

Biological Aspects

There are some biological aspects that could contribute to the elderly citizen having a mental health illness, too. Do you know the history of this person’s family? Is there something like Alzheimer’s disease, depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, or dementia in the family history? If there is, then there is a chance this person you are caring for might have these things, as well. If you have trouble helping them through these issues, and elderly care provider can be of assistance.

Physical Health Issues

Does the elderly citizen you are taking care have chronic pain? Do they have heart-related issues? Have they been in and out of the hospital for various physical health issues? Do they suffer from gastrointestinal issues? If you find they are dealing with any range of physical health issues, you should know they may also be experiencing mental health issues such as stress or anxiety. Physical health issues can cause mental health issues and vice versa.

Traumatic Experiences

Has the elderly citizen you are taking care of ever experienced a traumatic experience? If they have, this is a common reason why someone might have mental health issues. Many people who have suffered from some sort of trauma will deal with anxiety, PTSD, stress, and other negative emotions and disorders.

These are some of the risk factors for mental health illness in the elderly. If you are taking care of an elderly citizen and you suspect they have any sort of mental health illness, you should have them see their doctor right away. They can get the treatments they need. You can get the help you need in taking care of them, as well. Don’t forget, there are also always elderly care providers who would love to help out, too.


If you are considering Elderly Care Services in Ontario OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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