Senior Care News

Digital or the ‘Old Fashioned’ Organizers: Which One is Better at Keeping Track of Home Care Services?

Home Care in Crestline OH

Trying to keep organized can be a full-time job in itself. Thanks to modern technology, many people rely on digital organizers, such as those you can download for tablets and smart phones. These digital organizers can be programmed to signal an alarm when an appointment or other task is scheduled to be completed.

When you’re talking about home care services, being organized is essential. The quality of care that an elderly client receives will directly depend on the organization of the caregiver. Even if it’s a family member taking care of a loved one, if they have a lot of things going on in their life, it can complicate situations quickly.

There are essentially two trains of thought when it comes to organization. Some people are adamant about the benefits of digital organizers while others believe that old-fashioned ones are simply the best to use in the situation.

Let’s discuss each in detail and allow the individual in home care service provider to decide themselves.

The benefits of digital organizers.

A great thing about digital organizers is the alarm feature. Being able to set an alarm to go off the day before or any period of time prior to an appointment, when it’s time to take medication, and other important factors may be extremely beneficial.

However, it’s only going to be beneficial if the caregiver is carrying around that device with them at all times. What happens in the event that the phone is left in a pocketbook, in the car, in a coat pocket, or even at home? Those alarms could be going off and have no impact.  Digital organizers can also be integrated to be used on multiple devices.

The benefits of old-fashioned organizers.

Old-fashioned style organizers are either calendars or date books that you have to write down each detail on the day it’s scheduled. This provides a much easier at-a-glance capabilities as opposed to digital organizers where you have to look at each date independently.

An old-fashioned style calendar that is placed on the refrigerator of the elderly client’s home may be one of the most effective ways at keeping doctors’ appointments and other important dates organized.

As for prescription medications and alerts about when it’s time to take them, there are numerous reminder devices that aren’t actually organizers that could also provide great benefit for those individuals relying on home care services.

Whichever one you choose will be fine, as long as it falls in line with your expectations.

If you are considering hiring home care services near Crestline, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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