Senior Care News

Dealing With Obesity in the Elderly

Elderly Care in Ashland OH

There are a number of health problems that elderly people face, and one of them is obesity. As people age, some of them gain weight more easily. A sedentary lifestyle that comes about because of the aging process may make it more difficult to lose weight. This is also true of medications, many of which can cause weight gain. With that in mind, there is more that can be done to help elderly people who are overweight or obese. If your elderly parent is struggling with age related issues and with obesity, there are ways to get help for them that will make things easier. One way is through elder care, either on a full or part-time basis.

With in-home care, it’s easier to deal with obesity in the elderly. Not only can the caregiver help with exercise and eating right, but they can also help your loved one get around, and help them with things they may not be able to easily do on their own anymore. That is very important, as staying as active as possible even into older age is good for the body and the mind. It can be difficult for obese people to stay active, especially in their later years, but doing so isn’t impossible. There are ways to get exercise that are less taxing on the body, and these can be good choices for elderly people who aren’t as mobile as before. With all the senior care options available to help them today, though, they have choices.

When considering how best to help your aging parents in their struggles with obesity, a caregiver can be the right choice. Having in-home care gives them someone to talk to, and can also help them eat healthier and move around more. Even little efforts add up, and your elderly loved one may find that it’s more fun to be active when there is a caregiver available at all times to help them out when needed. Working with a doctor and a caregiver can make it easier for your loved one to get down to a healthier weight, too, and that can lead to better control over chronic medical conditions and a happier life.

If you are considering hiring elderly care services near Ashland, Ohio, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Loudonville, Mt. Gilead, Shelby, Wooster and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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