Convincing Your Senior to Bathe Regularly

Personal Care at Home Lexington OH - Convincing Your Senior to Bathe Regularly

Personal Care at Home Lexington OH-Whether or not your senior wants to, bathing is essential to a healthy routine and lifestyle. Personal care at home providers can help your senior create a routine, but they may have difficulty convincing them to bathe.

Common Skin Issues the Elderly Face

Elder Care Willard OH - Common Skin Issues the Elderly Face

Elder Care Willard OH-As you age, your collagen production declines and that can impact the health of your skin. Plus, aging skin is prone to certain skin issues. Here are some conditions.

Home Care and Senior Medical Emergencies

Home Care Lexington OH-If your mom or dad has a health issue, what happens if there’s a medical emergency? Would the other parent freeze up or know exactly what to do and take action?

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