How Family Caregivers Can Manage Their Emotions


Caregiver in Mt. Gilead OH From sad to guilty to angry, family caregivers may be feeling a variety of emotions that change each day. By keeping these feelings locked inside without an outlet to release them, it could build up causing a serious medical condition down the road. The American Psychological Association reported that a […]

American Diabetes Awareness Month and Senior Care

Senior Care in Wooster OH Becoming an ambassador of change during American Diabetes Awareness Month can occur at any age. The reason being is because diabetes is one of the primary causes of disabilities, as well as fatalities in America. When left uncontrolled, individuals of all ages can experience blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, and […]

Using Email as an Elder Care Tool

Elder Care in Crestline OH Elder care is not like it used to be. Many of today’s seniors are technologically savvy and enjoy using a wide array of tech devices to make their lives simpler and more entertaining. If you are a family caregiver for this type of modern senior, email may be the perfect […]

Tips on Managing Anxiety for Children with Medical Issues


Pediatric Home Health Care in Mansfield OH Ensuring that children have everything they need is a top concern for parents. Having a child with severe medical issues can be very stressful and emotionally taxing. In some cases, parents will need to find the right pediatric home care to make sure their child receives the best care. […]

The Benefits of Reading with Age

Senior Care in Wooster OH Reading is fun and fundamental—at least that is how the old saying goes. As children, the world comes alive through storybooks. Whether it is from a book being read to you at night by your parents and guardians or an adventure tale that you are making up as you played […]

Tips for Keeping Seniors Safe if Disaster Strikes

Senior Care in Ashland OH Turning on the news brings stories of disaster from around the world, such as drought, flooding, and even earthquakes.  Therefore, it is essential for adult children and elder care providers to have a plan in the event a disaster does strike. Caring for a senior can be challenging, especially when the conditions are less than […]


Employees appear on The Dr. Oz Show On Monday, September 21, 2015 three Star Multi Care employees were seen on The Dr. Oz Show which highlighted the nursing profession.  The feature entitled, “Nurses Unite” spotlighted nurses and the nursing profession after a social media controversy ensued following a comment made from one of the hosts […]

How to Interview a Home Care Provider

Home Care in Crestline OH If you have decided that starting a home care arrangement for your elderly loved ones would be a good way to enhance their daily life through additional care and assistance, companionship, and personalized support, your most important responsibility is going to be selecting the proper home care provider. Choosing the […]

Helping Your Senior Loved One Cope with Chronic Pain

Senior Care in Shelby OH Chronic pain is not a normal part of aging.  Pain is considered a symptom of a disease or disorder, but is not an illness in and of itself.  While age increases the risk of health conditions that can cause pain, it is something that needs to be managed so seniors can continue to […]

Telemedicine Technology Improves In-Home Pediatric Care

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Pediatric Home Health Care in Loudonville OH According to mHealth Intelligence, children with special needs benefit from developments in telemedicine. Telemedicine enhances the support by professional in-home caregivers, who provide pediatric care as home care. Telemedicine allows physicians to check in with patients from remote locations. The doctors can see and speak with the patients […]