Keeping the Refrigerator Healthy and Clean


Senior Care in Loudonville OH Helping keep your parent’s home clean, fresh, and healthy is an important part of your senior care efforts for them. Not only does this make the home more comfortable and pleasant to live in or visit, but it also helps to reduce the chances of your parent experiencing an illness, […]

Preparing Your Parent Ahead of a Severe Storm


Elder Care in Wooster OH With the summer finally just around the corner many people are thinking about all of the fun that these warmer months have to offer. Amid all of your thoughts of summer road trips, visits to the beach, and cookouts with your friends and family, however, you must also keep in […]

6 Activities You and Your Elderly Loved One Can Enjoy Together

Home Care Assistance Mansfield OH - Helping Your Parent Stroll Safely

Home Care in Ashland OH It’s really easy to get stuck in a rut and to do the same types of things with your loved one. Consider some of these activity ideas and brainstorm some others that you can try out. Bake Something Together Maybe your elderly loved one is the gatekeeper for a favorite […]

Is Caregiver Stress Impacting Your Physical Health?


Caregiver in Shelby OH Stress is a natural reaction inside the body. This is the influence that tells you that you are facing a challenge or problem and need to overcome it. The body responds by giving you an intense burst of physical and mental energy sometimes referred to as the fight or flight response. […]

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in Your Loved One


Senior Care in Galion OH Most people expect that they will experience some pain and stiffness in their joints as they get older, and will likely lose some of their mobility and range of motion. While this is not true for all people, it is common for older people to experience some of these symptoms. […]

Stress Awareness Month


  Elderly Care in Crestline OH April is Stress Awareness Month. Created in 1992, Stress Awareness Month is sponsored by The Health Resources Network “to inform people about the dangers of stress, successful coping strategies, and harmful misconceptions about stress that are prevalent in our society.” A misconception about growing older is that with age […]

How Home Care Can Be Beneficial

Home Care in Ohio by Central Star Home Health Services

Home Care in Loudonville OH   When you and your loved one decide that living at home is the best choice, you are bound to have many concerns.  If you cannot be there all of the time, you may have worries about your loved one’s health, safety, and happiness, especially if they are living alone.  […]

How to Handle Unwanted Weight Loss


Elder Care in Ashland OH Martha had always been a somewhat overweight woman. She had been heavier than an ideal weight throughout her young adulthood and as she grew older, she simply continued to gain. Finally she decided that enough was enough and focused her attention on ridding herself of the extra pounds. Over a […]

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month


Caregiver in Galion OH In many colder climates, April is the month during which seniors may begin to get a taste of warmer weather, sunshine, and the opportunity to get out of the house.  Seniors who have spent a long winter indoors will be eager to get out and meet with friends, visit parks, outdoor […]



Home Care in Mansfield OH In February, 2016 Logan Garber celebrated his 21st birthday while his family continues to celebrate the support he receives from the nurses at Central Star Home Health Care.   Logan has been confined to a wheelchair for most of his life and receives feedings through a tube in order to receive […]