What Elders Need to Know About Dental Hygiene


Elder Care in Lexington OH Dental problems become an even bigger problem among elderly adults than it does for any other age group. By not properly caring for their teeth, they could be at risk for a number of oral problems and gum diseases. Although age is not the only factor that causes hygiene problems, […]

What You Should Know About the Flu and Your Aging Parent 


Elderly Care in Mansfield OH The fall is here and that means that if you are like many family caregivers, you are thinking about the cold and flu season. This is a time when your elderly parent is extremely vulnerable to illness and infection, putting them at serious risk of dangerous health complications. Since elderly […]

Is Senior Care Beneficial During the End-of-Life Transition?


Senior Care in Shelby OH The end-of-life transition is an eventuality that no family caregiver wants to think about, but that every caregiver needs to. This is because that while this transition might be extremely difficult to handle for your parent and for you, preparing for it and planning well in advance can help you […]

Emergency Preparedness for a Senior Who Has Difficulty Communicating


Senior Care in Galion OH Being a family caregiver for an elderly adult who has communication issues can be challenging. This is especially true when it comes to preparing for events when communication and quick action are essential, such as during an emergency or disaster situation. September is National Preparedness Month. This is the ideal […]

7 Tips for Connecting with an Older Adult with Dementia


Caregiver in Loudonville OH Communicating with seniors who have dementia can be extremely challenging for their caregivers. The more progressive the disease becomes, the more difficult it is for the elder to vocalize their thoughts, feelings, and wants. On top of their inability to communicate, older adults with dementia are also unable to care for […]

Boosting Your Parent’s Mental Health during Be Kind To Humankind Week


Elder Care in Mt. Gilead OH August 25 through 31 is Be Kind To Humankind Week. This is the ideal opportunity for your aging parent to find fun and engaging ways to give back to the community around them. Not only will this help them to improve the lives of others around them, but will […]

Top Tools to Encourage More Independence When Outside the Home


Senior Care in Bellville OH Independence is something that most people value highly, especially as they get older and realize that they are dealing with challenges and limitations that threaten their ability handle their basic care tasks. By encouraging your parent to maintain as much of their independence as possible no matter what they are […]

Signs and Symptoms of Strep Throat


Home Care in Lexington OH It might still be summer, but that does not mean that illness will not strike. Many people are under the misconception that sickness only occurs during the fall and winter months. The truth, however, is that bacterial and viral illnesses can occur at any time of the year, and many […]

How to Improve Your Own Mood as a Family Caregiver


Caregiver in Mansfield OH Did you know that you can improve your own mood, all on your own? It’s true, but some people find this more difficult than other people do. Choose Your Attitude for Each Day It sounds so easy to say that you can choose your own attitude every day, but it’s true. […]