Why Hire Home Health Care When Your Mom Already Has Senior Care Services?
Senior Care Ashland OH-Senior care services do help your mom maintain independence while she lives alone. If she also needs nursing care, home health services are easily added to her weekly care routine. Here are some of their services.
Home Health Care Mansfield OH-Congratulations to Elaina B., Office Manager from Central Star Home Health in Ohio who gave birth to baby Kolsyn in April.
How Can You Tell if Your Senior Should Still Drive?
Home Care Galion OH-There comes a time when you and your aging family member need to talk seriously about whether she should still drive. Here are some tips.
Congratulations to Our August and September Employees of the Month
Home Health Care Mansfield OH-Kristen has been a Licensed Practical Nurse with Central Star Home Health since June of 2019. Terri is a committed Home Health Aide who has been with Central Star Home Health since 2015.
Are Caregiver Services the Best Option for Your Elderly Loved One?
Caregiver Crestline OH-You might be considering getting caregiver services for your loved one. Is this the right option for your elderly loved one? Here are some reasons why caregiver services might be what your loved one needs.
Important Steps to Take if Your Mom Falls and Fractures Her Hip
Elderly Care Bellville OH-The older your parents are, the higher the chances of them falling and breaking their hip. If your mom breaks her hips, it’s important to take these steps.
Five Benefits of Wound Care for Older Adults
Home Health Care Lexington OH-Wound care services at home provided by home health care providers can help your elderly family member to come home earlier from the hospital and gives you peace of mind that she’s in good hands.
Can Alternative Medicine Help Your Elderly Loved One?
Home Care Services Ontario OH-Alternative medicine has become one of the most popular forms of treatment throughout the world. The question is this – do alternative forms of medicine work as well as traditional treatments? Keep reading here to find out more.
Caregiver Mansfield OH-Hope Grows a non-profit agency dedicated to “taking care of caregivers” will be hosting an annual event entitled “Celebrating You”, On Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
Four Possible Ideas for Encouraging Your Senior to Bathe
Senior Care Shelby OH-As your senior grows older, convincing her to take a bath or shower may become more difficult than you expect it to become. There are lots of reasons for that, and some of these answers may help quite a bit.