Senior Care News

Areas to Support Your Elderly Loved One Who Wants to Age in Place

With proper preparation and good support, your loved one can successfully continue to live on his own and age in place and receive services that support their medical conditions.

For many elderly individuals, they hope and dream of being able to age in place in their own home, whether it’s the very house where they raised their children, or a small apartment with some of the best neighbors in town. They don’t want to have to move into a community living area with strangers and spend their days in an environment that doesn’t feel like home to them. While this option may not be available to all seniors, with so many great organizations out there that provide support to the aging community, more and more seniors are finding they can age in place at their homes with a little help. Services can be obtained to help a senior with medical conditions who wishes to age in place.

Five Areas That Your Senior May Need Help With

Medical Conditions Shelby OH - Areas to Support Your Elderly Loved One Who Wants to Age in Place
Medical Conditions Shelby OH – Areas to Support Your Elderly Loved One Who Wants to Age in Place

Being independent and having the freedom they want doesn’t mean that seniors have to do it all on their own or that their immediate family members must live close enough to provide daily care. Many senior home care providers can step in and walk alongside your senior loved one as he strives to remain independent in his own home. These home care providers can often help with the five areas that many seniors need a bit of assistance with as they age in place.

Taking care of the home. The larger the home, the more work that is needed to keep it properly maintained. Your loved one might need help with chores that he’s no longer able to perform on his own due to physical or cognitive limitations. Common areas some seniors need help with are laundry, cleaning the floors, and maintaining a tidy home.

Transportation. Some seniors either lose the ability or confidence to drive as they get older. For some, it may only affect their nighttime driving, and they still feel comfortable driving during the day and good weather conditions. For others, they cannot drive at all anymore. While finding public transportation options can help your loved one get from one place to another, a senior home care provider who helps with transportation can provide assistance from inside his home to inside the place he’s going to make sure he gets all of the assistance he needs.

Medical Conditions. If your loved one has a medical condition and wants to continue to age in place, he needs to have a plan for how to care for his medical conditions. His medical conditions may require medication that needs to be managed or multiple doctor visits. Most medical conditions are easily managed with proper foresight in what that care should look like for your loved one to thrive.

Social Engagement. Living alone can be lonely for some seniors despite their desire to be independent. Having regularly scheduled activities and even a home care provider who visits regularly can help alleviate any feelings that your loved one may develop regarding isolation and loneliness.

Physical care. From staying physically active to eating healthy meals to getting enough sleep, these daily care activities are important for your loved one to be able to remain independently in his own home and thrive. If they are ignored, his physical and mental health could suffer.

With proper preparation and good support, your loved one can successfully continue to live on his own and age in place.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Medical Conditions Services in Shelby OH, please contact the caring staff at Central Star Home Health today. Call 419-756-9449

Central Star Home Health is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Ohio including Ashland, Bellville, Bucyrus, Crestline, Galion, Lexington, Mansfield, Marion, Mt. Vernon, Ontario, Shelby, and Willard.

Stephen Sternbach

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