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24-Hour Home Care: Tips for Wandering in Alzheimer’s Disease

24-Hour Home Care Bellville OH-Wandering is one of the symptoms in the middle to late stages of dementia. You'll recognize it by your dad's insistence that he get outside. What can you and his 24-hour home care providers do to help him without increasing his agitation?

Wandering is one of the symptoms in the middle to late stages of dementia. You’ll recognize it by your dad’s insistence that he get outside. Your dad wants to get away from the home he’s in, and he may become aggressive if you try to stop him. One of the scariest situations you’ll experience when caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s is the “I want to go home” phase. Suddenly, your dad doesn’t recognize his home. It can also occur when he no longer feels safe or comfortable. What can you and his 24-hour home care providers do to help him without increasing his agitation?

Learn the Art of Redirection

24-Hour Home Care Bellville OH – 24-Hour Home Care: Tips for Wandering in Alzheimer’s Disease

Sometimes, redirecting your dad is all it takes. He’s starting to say he wants to go home. Don’t argue. Tell him soon or that you’re making arrangements. Then, switch his focus to something else.

If he likes music, play songs from the decade he seems to remember the most. If he often talks about his teen years, put on music you know he enjoyed as a teen. A smart speaker is convenient for this as you can keep your eyes on your dad and give the speaker a verbal cue to play the songs from that specific artist.

Join Him on His Walks

Sometimes, it’s best to accommodate his wishes. If he wants to get outside to the point he’s willing to push you over or hit you out of frustration, take him outside. Grab an umbrella if it’s raining or heavier outerwear if it’s cold.

Walk around the block or yard until he settles. At some point, his mood improves, making it easier to redirect him. At that point, ask if he wants to go inside for something you know he loves. It might be a cup of coffee or tea, a cookie, or some apple slices. Use those to get him back inside.

Set Alarms

Your dad’s urge to wander off won’t be timed for your convenience. If he wakes in the middle of the night and you’re sleeping, would you wake up? Unless you’re already a light sleeper, it’s hard to adjust to being able to hear every little noise and fully awaken.

Set security alarms that you can hear from your bed. You want alarms on exterior doors and windows. Alarms on your dad’s bedroom door and his bed also help. The sooner you know he’s up and moving around, the quicker you can be ready to redirect him and keep him from going outside.

Arrange for 24-Hour Home Care

It would be best if you had a plan of action in place before the wandering stage begins. Wandering doesn’t come with advanced notice. Your dad may go from recognizing his home one day to wanting to “go home” and wandering the next.

You can’t be the only one watching your dad all day and all night. You need enough sleep. Hire 24-hour home care aides to be alert and ready to redirect your dad throughout the night. Make the arrangements by calling our 24-hour home care specialist.

If you are considering 24-Home Care Services in Bellville OH, call the caring staff at Central Star Home Health at (419) 610-2161.  Providing services for families in Mansfield, Lexington, Bellville, Crestline, Galion, Shelby, Ashland, Ontario and the surrounding areas.

Stephen Sternbach
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